Sunday, March 25, 2007
First Week of Bolder Boulder Training
I completed the first week of BB training, 40 mi. On Sunday, after my 10 mi run my weight was 159 lbs. I did not really run hard on the hard days because I was recovering from the Carbon Valley 5K. The normal 3 day recovery was not possible because I was out of shape. On Tue I ran the 6x400 at easy pace and on Thu I ran the 4x800 at threshold pace.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Bolder Boulder Training Plan
It's 10 weeks to the Bolder Boulder and I have come up with the following training plan:
Week 1-3 - 4x5 mi easy, Tue intervals at Potts 6x400, Thu intervals 4x800, Sat 10 mi, 40 mi/wk
Week 4-6 - 4x5.5 mi easy, Tue 8x400, Thu 5x800, Sat 10 mi, 43 mi/wk
Week 7-10 - 4x6 mi easy, Tue 10x400, Thu 6x800, Sat 10 mi, 46 mi/wk
Week 1-3 - 4x5 mi easy, Tue intervals at Potts 6x400, Thu intervals 4x800, Sat 10 mi, 40 mi/wk
Week 4-6 - 4x5.5 mi easy, Tue 8x400, Thu 5x800, Sat 10 mi, 43 mi/wk
Week 7-10 - 4x6 mi easy, Tue 10x400, Thu 6x800, Sat 10 mi, 46 mi/wk
Friday, March 23, 2007
Recovery from the 5K last Saturday
I ran a 23:03 at the Frederick Carbon Valley 5K on Saturday 3/17/07. I immediately went to a speed that was uncomfortable and tried to hold it for 5K. My first mile split was 7:06 and the second was a 14 something. I failed to hit the lap button on my watch. I faded at about 4K with a heartrate of 170. A 23:03 would qualify me for the C wave in the Bolder Boulder. This was a great time for the beginning of my 10 week training for the BB. But I did not recover in 3 days because I over stress my body. I ran my Tue 400 intervals at easy pace and my Thu 800 at thresehold pace. By Friday I had shook the muscle fatigue with it's bunched up feel.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Peter Snell: Intervals vs Tempo
This study shows twice weekly interval sessions lower 10K and 800 times much better than twice weekly tempo runs. So I am switching to intervals on both Tue and Thur. The study said the participants ran "about 3 mi" and that is perfect for me. After the Frederick 5K I will start 5.5 mi base runs M-W-F-Su, Tue 6x800 intervals at Potts Field for 6.5 mi, Thu 3 mi cruise intervals for 5.5 mi, Sat 12.4 mi. Total 46.4 mi/wk. This is very doable because it's greater than 45 mi/wk, the 5.5 mi runs will be on Bobolink, and the long run is 2 hours. I plan on doing this schedule for 10 weeks. I may increase the base run after 2-3 weeks to 6 mi by running up Meridian rather than 55th with all it's traffic.
Monday, March 12, 2007
45 Mile Week
I reached 45 miles last week. I had a 5 mi base with a + Nike 14.35 mi, 2:21:08, 11.7 mi trail, 1:52:39, hr 120, long run on Sat. I've also determined my S Boulder Ck/Boulder Ck trail to Eben Fine park warm up is 1.58 mi and cool down is .78 mi for a total of 2.36 I record as 2.5. I want to cut the long run to 2 hours so I'll need to increase the base to 5.5 to maintain this weekly mileage. Dots and Nots Equalons have 560 mi, about 55/45 on Dots. My new blue Equalons start Tue 3/13.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Training Plan for the Bolder Boulder 10K
I have reached 45 mi/wk starting week #10. The Bolder Boulder 10K is week #21. I will have 12 weeks of training at a base distance of 5 mi. I run 6x.5 intervals on Tue, 3 mi threshold run on Thu and 15 mi long run on Sat. I am doing the hard days on the S Boulder Ck trail North of Arapahoe Av. This gives me a 1.5 mi warm up by running South on 55th, East on Centennial trail, and North on Olde Tale Rd. Cool down is .5 mi West of Olde Tale. The half mile markers are spray painted on the trail and this means adding threshold mileage in 1 mi chunks and adding two intervals. I am planing on maintaining this level for 3 weeks including the Frederick 5K March 17. Then I plan on increasing my number of intervals and length of threshold runs until 12 intervals, 6 mi threshold and Earth Day 5K April 22 are reached. Then I will ramp back down to base levels for the Bolder Boulder. There is the possibility I could increase the base run to 5.5 mi in week #16 but I'll evaluate that after doing 6 weeks of 5 mi.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Yet another 10K training plan
I read that Malissa J. Wood, M.D. found troponin leakage from a group of marathoners in Boston. It is thought troponin is produced during cardiac ischemia. She concluded marathoners that ran less than 45 mi/wk had nine times the troponin than those that trained above. I don't know how long the marathoners trained at these levels or how she collected. If she asked them when they finished Boston they could have said anything. Marathoners are spaced out then and usually increase their actual training miles. What's all this got to do with 10K training? My next race is a 10K in 12 weeks and I was looking for a base weekly mileage to train for it. Guess what, I'm going to start at 45 mi/wk. This works out to four five mi easy, 6x800 + 2 mi warmup, 3 mi threshold + 2 mi warmup and 15 mi long run. This is perfect for me. My favorite long run is along Boulder Creek to Eben Fine park and back, 15 mi. The 5 mi easy runs are on Bobolink Trail along S Boulder Ck. I will add increments of 2x800 for my intervals and 1 mi to my threshold runs.
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