Wednesday, September 30, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 mi today, 9:12 out and 8:51 back.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 miles Intervals 7:16 min/mi

I ran 4 miles today, 9:45 out and 7:16 back. There were 4 intervals averaging .45 mi in length. 7:16 is short of my goal of 7:09 but it is better than my last interval session where I averaged 7:23. I will try again later this week.

Monday, September 28, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:02 out and 8:51 back. I decided to change the training plan I wrote about yesterday. That is nothing new for me, I often change training plans in mid run. I am not going to run a short tempo during the week because the value of a tempo is at longer distances. My new plan is to run 2 interval workouts during the week, increasing the mileage to a maximum of 3 mi per day. I will start at 2 mi and will increase that to 2.5 mi then 3 mi when I hit target interval pace. I will run long one weekend and tempo the next. Long runs will be 9 mi and tempos 4 mi.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

8 miles

I ran 8 mi today, 9:05 out and 9:04 back. This is Daniel's Vdot 44 Easy/Long pace of 9:07 min/mi, Intervals 7:09 and Tempo 7:48. Race times are 5K, 22:15; 10K, 46:09, BA Bolder Boulder wave; 13.1 mi, 1:42:17; and 26.2 mi, 3:32:23. I plan on Easy 3 mi, I/T 1.5 mi, and Long 9 mi until I hit the Vdot 44 Tempo and Interval paces. Then I will increase I/T to 2, 2.5 and 3 mi until I hit the paces. This is a minimum of 4 weeks of Vdot 44 and I will then start the sequence all over at Vdot 45, I/T 1.5 mi.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 mi today, 9:00 out and 8:54 back.

Friday, September 25, 2009

2 miles Intervals 7:23

I ran 2 mi out at 9:13 and 4 intervals back at 7:23 for 1.78 mi. My target interval pace was Vdot 43 5K pace of 7:18. The first interval was from the 1 mi mark to the junction of the concrete and dirt paths; .38 mi, 7:24 pace, 2:48 min. The second interval was from the fence to the pole at Bobolink Trailhead; .49 mi, 7:28, 3:41. The third interval was on Gapter to the junction of the concrete and dirt trails; .52 mi, 7:13, 3:43. The fourth interval was from the light pole to 55th; .39 mi, 7:29, 2:53.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:05 out and 8:54 back. I was going to run intervals 2 mi back but my right groin was twinging during my hip aductions, during my jog to the trail and during the first mile out.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:07 out and 8:48 back. That is a little faster than Vdot 43 but I felt comfortable.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nike Nucleus Retired with 247 miles

I ran 4 miles today, 9:10 out and 7:57 back. I wore my new Nike Nucleus shoes and they felt so good I am retiring the old Nucleus with 247 mi on them. I had no twinges of right Achilles tendinitis present since about 175 mi on the old Nucleus. I think two factors led to the old shoes breaking down. First I was not tying them snugly enough so my feet moved around in the shoe. Second, I was landing on my heel not flat footed like now.

Monday, September 21, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:16 out and 8:51 back. I plan on 4 miles tomorrow.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

4 miles

I ran 4 miles today, 9:12 out and 8:50 back.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:15 out and 8:57 back. I will start tempos and intervals next week.

Friday, September 18, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles this morning, 9:30 out, 9:10 back. I am considering running back at tempo pace (8:03) tomorrow.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles this morning, 9:41 out and 9:09 back.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Indian Summer Half Marathon Review

I had a great experience running the inaugural Indian Summer Half Marathon on 9/13/09. The weather was cool (46 deg F at the start), calm and cloudy. The race organizers do not get credit for the good weather, but they do get credit for choosing a date that has the potential for good running weather. The view of the mountains was stunning and there was very little traffic to contend with. I estimate 80% of the surface is gravel roads and 20% is paved.
The course is a figure 8 that has a net elevation gain of 220 ft for the first half. This feature allowed me to run negative splits. The course starts out with a loop around the parking lot and then heads out onto 51st/55th St. The gravel road initially was washboard with two long uphills. I was thankful the race was not an out and back because running negative splits on 51st/55th would have been a challenge. 51st/55th was so rough one of the leader bicycles lost it's chain. The surface was a lot smoother after about 2 miles when we turned onto Neva Rd. The second half was downhill on Neva Rd, then followed a ditch to the reservoir dams, then onto Reservoir Rd and finished at the parking lot. I hope the organizers change the course for next year so the first part is also over the dam and 51st/55th Sts are avoided. I think the Indian Summer Half Marathon is going to become a Boulder classic. I know I will run in it next year even if the course is not changed.

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 10:00 out and 9:24 back. I weigh 158 lbs. I am feeling much better. My cold is gradually going away and the half marathon I ran last Sunday has not caused a relapse. I will continue running 3 miles every day until I run out at 9:27 and back at 9:07.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Indian Summer Half Marathon

I raced in the Indian Summer Half Marathon yesterday, Sept 13. Official results:

Thanks for participating in the Indian Summer Half Marathon.

Results for Steve Walker:

You placed 121st out of 392 finishers in a time of 1:48:32 for a pace of 8:17 per mile.

Out of 157 men you finished 81st. The winning time for men was 1:15:56.

For 60 to 64 year old men you were 2nd out of 10 finishers. The winning time for your age and sex was 1:44:22.

I went out at 8:18 and back at 8:08. This time is Vdot 41. I'm very pleased with my time because I had a lingering cold and went on four backpacking trips in July and August.

Friday, September 11, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:40 out and 9:10 back. That is slow but appropriate for 2 days before a half marathon. I will not run tomorrow.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:10 out and 8:52 back. Still coughing occasionally.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:06 out and 8:40 back. I finally am feeling better after the long layoff from running. I also did not take any psuedofed after dinner last night. The coughing and runny nose seem to be greatly reduced. I also tried my new contact lenses and found my vision was much clearer without the left eye monovision. I could read my GPS,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, 9:40 out and 9:16 back. Slight R Achilles pain afterwards.

Monday, September 7, 2009

3 miles

I ran 3 miles today, Labor Day, 9:28 out and 9:44 back. It felt good to get the kinks out after not running for 8 days because of a backpacking trip and cold.