Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Excessive Speed Work in Oct
I was shock when I computed my interval and tempo runs percent of my weekly mileage in Oct. Daniel's recommends 6-8% for intervals and 8-10% for tempos. Here is my actual.

I'm very lucky I did not get injured. I will not run any speed work the last week in Oct. That does not seem like a problem because it snowed 12" so far today and it is going to snow tomorrow as well. I changed my running plan, Run Plan in google docs, to have 6% int, 8% tempo, and 25% long. I will also move to Vdot 45 until the May marathon. This is Easy 9:00, Tempo 7:30, Intervals 7:00 and Marathon Pace 8:00. All nice round numbers.
I'm very lucky I did not get injured. I will not run any speed work the last week in Oct. That does not seem like a problem because it snowed 12" so far today and it is going to snow tomorrow as well. I changed my running plan, Run Plan in google docs, to have 6% int, 8% tempo, and 25% long. I will also move to Vdot 45 until the May marathon. This is Easy 9:00, Tempo 7:30, Intervals 7:00 and Marathon Pace 8:00. All nice round numbers.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
9 miles
I ran 9 mi today at 9:11. I read Daniels recommends no more than 8% of weekly miles be intervals and 10% be tempo. I changed my training plan from 2 intervals and a long/tempo to a 2.5 mi interval, a 3 mi tempo and a 9 mi long. This puts me at 29.5 mi/wk, 8.5% interval and 10% tempo. I could add 6 mi by increasing my recovery runs from 3 mi to 4.5 mi. I'll try to bump Monday and Friday to 4.5 mi next week for a gain of 3 mi.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
3.5 miles Tempo 7:57
I ran 3.5 mi at 7:57 back and 8:55 out. I read Jack Daniels tempo pace adjustments for distance and realized I was supposed to tempo at 7:40 instead of the 7:48 pace I had been targeting. But I could only run 7:50 when I turned around at the 3.5 mi mark. I eventually got comfortable at 7:40 and I probably will be able to run that pace next weekend. I was slowed down in the section of the trail between the rec center and Bobolink by treacherous footing and snarling off leash dogs. I will only go 3 mi until I hit the target pace, meaning next week's long run will be 6 mi.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
2.5 miles Intervals 7:07
I ran 2.5 miles of interval pace, 7:07 and 1.5 mi out at easy 9:27. Today I also started recording only actual miles run at easy, tempo or interval pace. I ran 5 intervals today but did not count the .5 mile recovery walk/jog in between.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
3 miles
I ran 3 miles today, 9:23 out and 8:54 back. I have revised my training plan for the Thanksgiving 5K on Nov 26. I will run Vdot 44 in Oct and Vdot 45 in Nov. Tuesday and Thursday will be 3 mi intervals with a 1.5 easy warm up. Saturday I will run 4.5 mi out at easy, and back at tempo. All four other days will be 3 mi easy. This works out to 30 mi per week, 6 mi 20% intervals, 4.5 mi 15% tempo and 19.5 mi 65% easy. I could increase the easy recovery runs to 4.5 mi and the weekend long/tempo. I'm going to leave them as is until after I ramp up to these levels and have at least 2 weeks of running at Vdot 45.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
2 miles Intervals 7:09
I ran 1.77 mi intervals at 7:09 pace. That is precisely my target interval pace. I ran 1.5 mi out at 10:00.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
3 miles
I ran 3 miles today, 9:15 out and 8:56 back. I am aiming for 2.5 mi of intervals on this coming Tuesday.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
3 mile Tempo
I ran a 3 mi tempo today in 4 segments. My gps battery died so I do not know my pace or time. I was breathing hard though. I also ran 1.5 mi warm-up.
Friday, October 2, 2009
2 miles
I ran 2 miles at 10:30 pace today on the Buffalo Ranch cross country course. The ruts from last spring were gone and I will enter the Shootout 8K tomorrow. I weigh 160 lbs.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
1.5 mi Intervals 7:05
I ran 3 intervals in 1.5 mi today at 7:05 pace. I ran 1.5 mi out at 9:33. I want to increase the two interval workouts to 2 mi next week and limit my easy pace warm-up to 1.5 mi. I ultimately want my interval workouts to be 3 mi with a 2 mi warm-up. I could substitute a hill workout for one of the intervals while doing races, long and tempos on the weekend. I am enjoying the rush from 2 intervals a week for the time being.
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