Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weekly Plan for the Colorado Marathon

The Colorado Marathon is Mother's Day, Sun, May 9 2010. It's 12 weeks until then so my starting plan is below. Easy on recovery days after 3 mi intervals, 4 mi tempo or 12 mi long run.


David Tiefenthaler said...

Just curious as to what marathon plan do you follow, or do you have one of your own to get you ready?

Unknown said...

My marathon training plan is based on the book Daniels' Running Formula. First I use the Vdot tables to determine the Easy, Interval, Tempo, Marathon and Race pace. I want to train at 45 miles per week and I use Daniels' guidelines for the length of Intervals (6-8% of weekly mileage), Tempos (8-10%), and Long (25-30%).